For Referring Providers

Somatic Trauma Healing: An Integrative Partner In Care


Somatic Experiencing (SE) and Somatic Practice Touch are powerful allies to many referring providers of other therapeutic and practice disciplines.  Clients with persistent, distressing physical symptoms, depression, anxiety, or just everyday stress may benefit.

As the work progresses the client’s physiology become more stable and internal and external resources enriched.  Distressing symptoms start to lessen or be less bothersome Your client will find an increasing sense of  well-being, and confidence in their own self regulation. Referring providers will find improving effectiveness of all therapeutic efforts.  SE can be used effectively in short-term or intermittent therapy.

Potential referring providers:

  • Chronic pelvic pain specialists–Nurse Practitioners/Physicians/ Naturopathic Physicians, Physical Therapists, Sexologist.  (SE was recommended by Kathe Wallace PT, BCB-PMD in Herman & Wallace Pelvic Floor 1 Course, October, 2013.)
  • Midwives & OB/GYN.
  • Specialists MDs and Physical Therapists –physical trauma & fractures.
  • Psychotherapists.
  • Primary Care providers.
  • Integrate with Acupuncture.
  • Mindfulness/ meditation teachers.
  • Body-mind practitioner’s :  body workers, Yoga, Pilates, gyro-tonics.

Pre-referral consultations are welcome. Co-ordination of care provided with the consent of client/patient. As working colleagues, cross referral will enhance our capacities to offer the best care to our clients.  See the blog for research related to trauma and stress.  Kaiser’s ACE Study.